

Release notes for v2.0.0.

Features 🚀

✨ Live Inspections

Nuxt v2 introduces the concept of live inspections.

Live inspections allow you to see if your links are valid, right in your Nuxt app.

Out-of-the-box, there are currently 7 inspections to verify your links are following the best SEO practice.

They will only run when you're using Nuxt DevTools and can be toggled, see live inspections for more information.

When you click on a live inspection, it will open up the inspection results in Nuxt DevTools.

You can also navigate to the tab to see all the link issues for the current page.

From here, you can fix the link by clicking on the Fix Link button.

📝 Build Reports (html, markdown)

You can now generate build reports for your broken links.

These can be used to embed in your CI/CD pipeline to help you avoid deploying broken links.

See the build reports guide for more information.


  • trailingSlash has been deprecated
  • siteUrl has been deprecated

These should now be configured using site config.

⚠️ Breaking Changes

Config Changes

  • exclude renamed to excludeLinks
  • failOn404 renamed to failOnError