Why use Nuxt SEO Utils?

Nuxt SEO Utils is a collection of defaults and utilities to improve your Nuxt site's discoverability and shareability.

While there are several features covering many aspects of SEO, it covers important defaults such as automatic canonical URLs and open graph tags.


Default Canonical URLs

Automatically generate canonical URLs for all pages.

  • Whitelisted query params with canonicalQueryParams
  • Lowercase URLs with respected trailing slash config

Metadata Files

Inspired by Next.js Metadata Files, this allows you to configure your head tags using metadata files.

✨ SEO meta in nuxt.config and route rules

Enjoy the DX of useSeoMeta in your nuxt.config and route rules

🤖 Automatic OG Meta Tags

Never worry about setting og:title and og:description again.

This uses the Infer SEO Meta Unhead plugin.

🧙 Validate and fix broken tags

Automatically fix broken tags, for example will ensure og:image is an absolute URL.

⚡ Extra head optimizations

Reduce your page weight by treeshaking useSeoMeta and implementing other optimizations.

Best Practice Default Meta

  • Canonical URLs will be automatically generated for all pages.
  • Description and open-graph meta tags will be set for you. See Default Meta for more information.

Enhanced Titles

  • Ensures that every page has a title by generating one from the last slug segment. See the Fallback Title guide for more information.
  • Sets a default title template for you with your site name.
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