
Use the auto-imported useBreadcrumbItems composable to generate an automatic breadcrumb list that helps users to navigate between pages.


This demo integrates directly with the Nuxt UI Breadcrumb component.

Enter any path and watch the breadcrumbs be generated!
<script lang="ts" setup>
const items = useBreadcrumbItems() // uses the current route

<UBreadcrumb :items="items"/>

Modifying Breadcrumbs

Because the breadcrumb is generated automatically, you may need to modify the final output.

It's important to do this within the defineBreadcrumbItems function, as it will ensure that the is generated correctly.

Route Meta

If you need to modify the breadcrumb for a specific static route, you can use the breadcrumb property of the route meta.

Page Meta
<script lang="ts" setup>
  breadcrumb: {
    icon: 'i-heroicons-home',
    ariaLabel: 'Home'


When you need more control over the final output, you can use the overrides prop. This allows you to override any part of the breadcrumb.

The property takes an array of either: BreadcrumbItem, false or undefined, the array of overrides is applied in the order they are provided.

When providing undefined, nothing will be overridden. When providing false, the breadcrumb will be removed.

For example, if you have the path /blog/my-post and you want to override the my-post segment, we need to target the third item in the array.

// path: /blog/my-post will generate ['Home', 'Blog', 'My Post']
  overrides: [
    undefined, // Home
    undefined, // Blog
      label: 'My Awesome Post',
      to: '/blog/my-post',
      icon: 'i-heroicons-home'

append and prepend

If you need to add items to the end or beginning of the breadcrumb, you can use the append and prepend props.

import { useBreadcrumbItems } from '#imports'

  append: [
      label: 'Final Link'

I18n Integration

If you're using the @nuxtjs/i18n module, you can use the key breadcrumbs.items.${routeName}.

Where routeName is the generated name of the Vue Router route.

export default {
  breadcrumb: {
    items: {
      index: {
        icon: 'i-heroicons-home',
        ariaLabel: 'Home'

Hierarchical Breadcrumbs

It's common to want to have a breadcrumb in your top-level layout and then have this be completely dynamic for each page.

While this will work, it gets more complicated once you need to start overriding the breadcrumb list for data that's only available from a fetch.

Consider a blog example where we want to show something like:

  • Blog (/blog) -> Dynamic Category (/blog/dynamic-category) -> Post title (/blog/dynamic-category/post-title)

You would be tempted to insert the breadcrumb in the blog layout. However, this has issues.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useBreadcrumbItems } from '#imports'
const items = useBreadcrumbItems({
  rootNode: '/blog',
  overrides: [
    { label: 'My Cool Blog', }, // Home
    // ❌ We're missing data to render the post title and category

    <Breadcrumb :items="useBreadcrumbItems()" />

Instead, we need to render the breadcrumb list as late as possible in the render tree. This means we need to insert the breadcrumb in the page component.

However, this means we may need to do prop drilling to get the data to the breadcrumb. Instead, we can use the shared breadcrumb context that's based on the id.

<script lang="ts" setup>
// setup root breadcrumb config
  overrides: [
    { label: 'My Cool Site', },

This may change your design a bit, but it's the only way to reliable handle this without a hydration issue.



  • Type: string
  • Default: getRoute().path

The path to generate the breadcrumb for.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

Whether to generate BreadcrumbList structured data.


  • Type: string
  • Default: 'Breadcrumbs'

The Aria Label for the breadcrumbs.


  • Type: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>
  • Default: false

Whether the root breadcrumb should be shown.


  • Type: MaybeRefOrGetter<boolean>
  • Default: false

Whether the current breadcrumb should be shown. This is usually the last item in the breadcrumb, but not always.


  • Type: (BreadcrumbItem | false | undefined)[]
  • Default: []

An array of items to override the generated breadcrumbs with.


  • Type: BreadcrumbItem[]
  • Default: []

An array of items to append to the generated breadcrumbs.


  • Type: BreadcrumbItem[]
  • Default: []

An array of items to prepend to the generated breadcrumbs.


  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

The root node to use for the breadcrumb. This is useful for when you want to generate a breadcrumb for a specific route.

The default will either use / or the i18n prefixed alternative.

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