Nuxt Config SEO Meta

Make use of the power of useSeoMeta inside your nuxt.config.


The useSeoMeta() composable is a powerful tool for managing SEO meta tags.

Nuxt SEO Utils allows you to provide the useSeoMeta() input within your nuxt.config.


To use it, simply add within the seo.meta config of your nuxt.config:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  seo: {
    meta: {
      description: 'My awesome website',
      themeColor: [
        { content: '#18181b', media: '(prefers-color-scheme: dark)' },
        { content: 'white', media: '(prefers-color-scheme: light)' },
      twitterCreator: '@mytwitter',
      twitterSite: '@mysite',
      author: 'Harlan Wilton',
      colorScheme: 'dark light',
      applicationName: 'My App',

      // Nuxt SEO Utils already sets the below tags for you
      ogSiteName: 'My Site Name',
      ogLocale: 'en_US',
      ogType: 'website',
      ogUrl: '',
      ogTitle: 'My Site',

      // Other Nuxt SEO modules handles these
      ogImage: '',
      robots: 'index, follow',

The functionality is the same as the composable without reactivity. It has a higher priority than app.head.

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