

The schema for some of the sitemap module data.

Sitemap Entry

The sitemap entry schema mostly follows the sitemap specification, with additional Sitemap extension recommendations from Google such as News, Images, and Videos.

The following options are supported:

  • loc - URL of the page.
  • lastmod - The date of last modification of the file
  • changefreq - How frequently the page is likely to change.
  • priority - The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site.
  • alternatives - An array of alternatives to include in the sitemap entry as <xhtml:link rel="alternate" ...>.
  • news - An array of news to include in the sitemap entry as <news:news>.
  • images - An array of images to include in the sitemap entry as <image:image>.
  • video - An array of videos to include in the sitemap entry as <video:video>.
export interface SitemapUrl {
  loc: string
  lastmod?: string | Date
  changefreq?: Changefreq
  priority?: 0 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5 | 0.6 | 0.7 | 0.8 | 0.9 | 1
  alternatives?: Array<AlternativeEntry>
  news?: GoogleNewsEntry
  images?: Array<ImageEntry>
  videos?: Array<VideoEntry>
  _i18nTransform?: boolean
  _sitemap?: string
  url?: string // @deprecated use `loc`

export type Changefreq =
  | 'always'
  | 'hourly'
  | 'daily'
  | 'weekly'
  | 'monthly'
  | 'yearly'
  | 'never'

export interface AlternativeEntry {
  hreflang: string
  href: string | URL

export interface GoogleNewsEntry {
  title: string
  publication_date: Date | string
  publication: {
    name: string
    language: string

export interface ImageEntry {
  loc: string | URL
  caption?: string
  geoLocation?: string
  title?: string
  license?: string | URL

export interface VideoEntry {
  title: string
  thumbnail_loc: string | URL
  description: string
  content_loc?: string | URL
  player_loc?: string | URL
  duration?: number
  expiration_date?: Date | string
  rating?: number
  view_count?: number
  publication_date?: Date | string
  family_friendly?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
  restriction?: Restriction
  platform?: Platform
  price?: ({
    price?: number | string
    currency?: string
    type?: 'rent' | 'purchase' | 'package' | 'subscription'
  requires_subscription?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
  uploader?: {
    uploader: string
    info?: string | URL
  live?: 'yes' | 'no' | boolean
  tag?: string | string[]