🚨 Breaking Changes

Package Renamed to @nuxtjs/sitemap

This module is now the official Sitemap module for Nuxt. To properly reflect this, the package has been renamed to @nuxtjs/sitemap from nuxt-simple-sitemap and the GitHub repository has been moved to nuxt-modules/sitemap.

  1. Update the dependency
  "dependencies": {
-    "nuxt-simple-sitemap": "*"
+    "@nuxtjs/sitemap": "^5.0.0"
  1. Update your nuxt.config.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
-   'nuxt-simple-sitemap'
+  '@nuxtjs/sitemap'

Features :rocket:

   🐞 Bug Fixes

Improved Cache Debugging

  • Set browser cache time to match cacheMaxAgeSeconds  -  by @harlan-zw (00d17)
  • Iso timestamp for debugging cache  -  by @harlan-zw (db3f3)
  • Cache headers for prerendered sitemap  -  by @harlan-zw (57bef)
  • More explicit caching  -  by @harlan-zw (328b7)

More Consistent DevTools UI

The DevTools has been updated to match the branding of the other Nuxt SEO module DevTools. (bc4ae)


  • Redirect multi sitemap sitemap.xml using route rules  -  by @harlan-zw (e1bee)
    View changes on GitHub
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