OG Image


How to style your OG Images.

Due to Nuxt OG Image using Satori to render OG Images, there a number of limitations in how you can style your templates.

Layout Constraints

  • Satori does not support inline, block or grid layouts.

Everything is a flexbox with a flex-direction of column. You should design your templates with this in mind.

UnoCSS / Tailwind Classes

Out-of-the-box and without any extra configuration, you can use UnoCSS and Tailwind classes in your templates.

<!-- just works -->
<div class="bg-red-500 text-white p-4">
  <h1 class="text-[60px]">Hello World</h1>

Your theme configuration will be automatically set when you're using the @nuxtjs/tailwind or @unocss/nuxt modules.

<div class="full centered bg-primary-500/50 text-base">
  <h1 class="text-mega-big">
    Custom Theme Classes!

Inline Styles

There are certain cases where the utility classes won't be enough to style your templates.

In these cases, you can use inline styles to style your templates.

<div :style="background-image: url(https://example.com/bg.png)">
  <h1 class="text-mega-big" style="color: red;">
    Custom Theme Classes!

<style> tag support

You can use <style> tags within your templates, however, it requires the inline-css dependency, which has limited compatibility with WebWorker environments.

See the Compatibility guide for more information.