Community Templates

The NuxtSeo
template is the default one provided for you. It comes with a number of props
to let you customise it however you like.
Like all Community templates, it's recommended to copy+paste it into your project if you want to customise it. You can find the source on GitHub.
Type: string
Default: <title>
The title of the page. This will be used as the main heading.
Type: string
Default: <meta name="description" />
The description of the page. This will be used as the subheading.
Type: string
| boolean
Default: false
The icon of the page. This will be used as the main image. Requires Nuxt Icon to be installed.
Type: string
Default: Site Name from Nuxt Site Config
Sets the bottom centered text of the template.
Type: string
Replaces the site name and the Nuxt Seo logo with a custom image.
See the Icons and Images guide for more information.
Type: string
Default: #00dc82
Changes the theme of the template. You should either provide a hexadecimal color or a valid rgb.
For example: #d946ef
Type: light
| dark
Default: light
Changes from a light or dark background / text color. Integrates with @nuxtjs/color-mode
, selecting your
default color mode.