Nuxt Content
Nuxt OG Image integrates with Nuxt Content out of the box, supporting a ogImage
frontmatter key that can be used to configure your OG Image.
You can see a demo of this integration in the Nuxt OG Image & Nuxt Content Playground.
Setup Nuxt Content v3
In Nuxt Content v3 we need to use the asOgImageCollection()
function to augment any collections
to be able to use the ogImage
frontmatter key.
import { defineCollection, defineContentConfig } from '@nuxt/content'
import { asOgImageCollection } from 'nuxt-og-image/content'
export default defineContentConfig({
collections: {
content: defineCollection(
type: 'page',
source: '**/*.md',
To ensure the tags actually gets rendered you need to ensure you're using the defineOgImage()
composable with the ogImage
<script setup lang="ts">
import { queryCollection, useRoute } from '#imports'
const route = useRoute()
const { data: page } = await useAsyncData(`page-${route.path}`, () => {
return queryCollection('content').path(route.path).first()
if (page.value?.ogImage) {
Setup Nuxt Content v2
When strictNuxtContentPaths
has been configured, images will be automatically generated for each markdown file in your content folder.
To use strictNuxtContentPaths
the markdown paths must match the path of the page. For example, if you have a markdown file at content/blog/
, the path of the page must be /blog/3-months-of-europe
Otherwise, you will need to provide the ogImage
for each markdown file.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
ogImage: {
strictNuxtContentPaths: true
path: /blog/3-months-of-europe
ogImage: true
Content head
The v2 Content integration works by injecting extra tags within the content.head
property of a markdown file.
To have the OG Image work it needs to render this property, if you're not using document driven then you
will need to use the useContentHead()
composable or the head
property in your component.
<script setup>
const page = await useAsyncData(`docs-${route.path}`, () => queryContent(route.path).findOne())
<ContentDoc head />
The frontmatter key has the same options as defineOgImage()
Providing true
will use the default values, a false
value will disable the OG Image for that page.
component: BlogOgImage
image: /blog/3-months-of-europe.png
readingMins: 5
If you'd like to use OG Images from your public folder, you can use the ogImage.url
key which will
serve your image instead of generating one.
url: /blog/3-months-of-europe.png
If you'd prefer to render just screenshots, you can use the<OgImageScreenshot />
component within your content instead of using
To have this work in your markdown files, you will need to make the components global.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
ogImage: {
componentOptions: {
global: true,