Getting Started

Nuxt SEO Experimental Features

The features provided by the nuxt-seo-experiments module.

Powerful SEO DX improvements that may or may not land in the Nuxt core.

▲ Next.js inspired
Metadata Files

Allows you to configure your head tags using metadata files.

✨ SEO meta in nuxt.config and route rules

Enjoy the DX of useSeoMeta in your nuxt.config and route rules

🤖 Automatic OG Meta Tags (og:title, og:description, etc.)

Never worry about setting og:title and og:description again.

This uses the Infer SEO Meta Unhead plugin.

🧙 Validate and fix broken tags

Automatically fix broken tags, for example will ensure og:image is an absolute URL.

⚡ Extra head optimizations

Reduce your page weight by treeshaking useSeoMeta and implementing other optimizations.