
Nuxt Sitemap v6.0.0

Release notes for v6.0.0 of Nuxt Sitemap.


The v6 represents hopefully the last major that the module will undergo. It brings many underlying logic improvements which aim to solve stability and performance issues and set up the module to support chunked multi-sitemaps in the future.

🚨 Breaking Change

Google Search Console

If you're using multi-sitemaps it's important to check Google Search Console after the update and verify you haven't submitted the old multi-sitemap paths. If so, you should update them

Sitemap Output

Please verify your sitemap output after the update. Many changes have been made to the underlying logic and it's important to verify that your sitemap is still being generated correctly.


   🚨 Breaking Changes

   🚀 Features

   🐞 Bug Fixes

    View changes on GitHub