Nuxt SEO

Using The Modules

How to use the different modules when using Nuxt SEO.

Module Features

As a minimum before you can use any of the modules, you need to set up your site config.

Nuxt SEO Module

A collection of SEO features that don't fit anywhere else.


Automatically generates a sitemap for your site

  • When prerendering or using static only routes, no config is needed, it will automatically generate a sitemap for you.
  • If you have dynamic routes, you'll need to set up a handler for Dynamic URLs.


Automatically generates a robots.txt, X-Robots and robot meta tags for your site.

  • If you have any other environments besides development and production, you need to configure the env option. See the Disabling Indexing guide for more information.
  • By default, all routes are allowed for all user-agents. See Disabling Page Indexing to start blocking routes.

OG Image

Generate dynamic Open Graph images for your pages.

Note: If you don't intend to generate dynamic images, it's recommended to disable this module.

Automatically generates JSON-LD for your pages.

Checks all links for issues that may be affecting your SEO.

  • When building your site it will check links
  • You can also run it manually by opening the "Link Checker" tab in Nuxt DevTools

SEO Experiments

A few extra SEO Nuxt features that don't fit anywhere else.

Disabling Modules

Since Nuxt SEO installs and enables modules for you, you may run into a situation where you want to disable a module.

The modules have these config keys:

  • nuxt-og-image - ogImage
  • @nuxtjs/sitemap - sitemap
  • @nuxtjs/robots - robots
  • nuxt-seo-experiments - seoExperiments
  • nuxt-schema-org - schemaOrg
  • nuxt-link-checker - linkChecker

You can disable any of these modules by setting the module's enabled value to false in your nuxt.config.ts file.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ogImage: {
    enabled: false
  sitemap: {
    enabled: false
  robots: {
    enabled: false
  seoExperiments: {
    enabled: false
  schemaOrg: {
    enabled: false
  linkChecker: {
    enabled: false

Keeping workers under 1mb

If you are using Nuxt SEO in a serverless environment, you may want to keep your workers under 1mb. The module that will contribute the most to your worker size is nuxt-og-image.

If you are not using ogImage, you can disable it, otherwise consider prerendering your images.