
Install Nuxt Link Checker

Get started with Nuxt Link Checker by installing the dependency to your project.
Nuxt SEO Pro
  • Nuxt Redirects
  • Nuxt Google Search Console
  • Nuxt Internal Links
  • Nuxt SEO Analyze
Save $170 on the presale now.

Module Setup

npx nuxi module add link-checker

Previewing Live Inspections

The Link Checker only works in development mode when the DevTools is open or when running nuxi build or nuxi generate.

Open up DevTools in your Nuxt app and navigate to the Link Checker tab.

To start seeing live inspections, navigate to a page with links and open the DevTools on the Link Checker tab.

Next Steps

It's recommended to use this module with Nuxt Sitemap so that your page links are automatically discovered.

Sitemap v6.1.4
Powerfully flexible XML Sitemaps that integrate seamlessly.

Explore the documentation to learn more.

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