Getting Started


Frequently asked questions about Nuxt Sitemap.

Why is my browser not rendering the XML properly?

When disabling the XSL (XML Stylesheet) in, the XML will be rendered by the browser.

If you have a i18n integration, then it's likely you'll see your sitemap look raw text instead of XML.

Broken XML because of xhtml namespace.

This is a browser bug in parsing the xhtml namespace which is required to add localised URLs to your sitemap. There is no workaround besides re-enabled the XSL.

Google Search Console shows Error when submitting my Sitemap?

Seeing "Error" when submitting a new sitemap is common. This is because Google previously crawled your site for a sitemap and found nothing.

If your sitemap is validating correctly, then you're all set. It's best to way a few days and check back. In nearly all cases, the error will resolve itself.