
Disabling Page Indexing

Learn how to disable indexing for specific pages on your app.

When disabling indexing for specific pages, you have a few options.


The useRobotsRule composable provides a reactive way to access and set the robots rule at runtime.

import { useRobotsRule } from '#imports'

const rule = useRobotsRule()
rule.value = 'noindex, nofollow'

Route Rules

If you have a static page that you want to disable indexing for, you can use defineRouteRules (requires enabling the experimental inlineRouteRules).

This is a build-time configuration that will generate the appropriate rules in the /robots.txt file and is integrated with the Sitemap module.

<script lang="ts" setup>
  robots: false,

For more complex scenarios see the Route Rules guide.


To configure blocked URLs using a robots.txt file, simply use the Disallow directive.

// public/_robots.txt
User-agent: *
Disallow: /my-page
Disallow: /secret/*

Nuxt Config

If you need finer programmatic control, you can configure the module using nuxt.config.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  robots: {
    disallow: ['/secret', '/admin'],

See the Nuxt Config guide for more details.